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Pack express Shock wave facial rejuvenation

30 min         459 309€        | 6 sessions

We begin this treatment with a deep facial cleansing and continue with the Shock Wave technique. From the first application, the facial oval is redefined, the cheekbones are reaffirmed, the nasolabial fold, crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles are attenuated. It offers very good results in the case of double chin.

If treatment is carried out with a certain continuity (at least 6 sessions), a notable increase in collagen is obtained in the facial skin and consequently a long-lasting lifting effect, similar to Botox. The youthful and fresh appearance of the face is reinforced, the luminosity, tone, texture and elasticity of the skin is visibly optimised, blood circulation is improved and more oxygenation is provided to the tissues, delaying their ageing.
At 9 Sentits we finish this treatment with a firming massage and moisturising facial mask. The result is an amazing level of facial firming, attenuation of wrinkles and increase of collagen in the skin, visible from the first session.

*We do not recommend the treatment for people under 18 years of age, pregnant women, people with coagulation disorders, people treated with cortisone or people undergoing cancer treatment.

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